Water Sector
PUC “Let Your Words Flow” Poetry Contest
We’ve received over 200 smart, creative and sensational submissions! Our evaluation team is on the job going through each and every one, so stay tuned to our Facebook page for…
Initial Decision 2022-2025 Annual Review Decision for BWSL
PUC PUBLIC NOTICE – Modification of BWS Authorised Service Areas
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) hereby serves notice that in accordance with the WaterIndustry Act, No. 1 of 2001, Sections 15 and 19, the Commissiom intends to modify the license…
Codes of Practice For Belize Water Services
Basis for Codes Belize Water Services Ltd. (BWS) was granted a twenty-five-year operating license “the License” under Section 15 of the Water Industry Act “the Act” on March 20, 2001,…
Water Industry (Plumbing) Code
ARRANGEMENT OF CODE Short title.Application.Penalty. These By-laws may be cited as theWATER INDUSTRY (PLUMBING) CODE.The By-laws contained in the Schedule hereto shall apply to the whole of Belize.Any person who…
BWS Tariff Review and Business Plan 2020-2025
Executive Summary Overview Belize Water Service Limited (BWS) tariff and miscellaneous fees are reviewed and approved by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) through a tariff review process. The PUC regulatory…
Water Industry (Amendment) Act, 2017
ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Short title.Repeal and replacement of section 6.Insertion of new section 57A. AN ACT to amend the Water Industry Act, Chapter 222 of the Substantive Laws of Belize,…
Water Industry Act Chapter 222 Revised Edition 2011
SHOWING THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS AS AT 31ST DECEMBER, 2011 This is a revised edition of the Substantive Laws, prepared by the Law Revision Commissioner under the authority of the Law…